Machiavéllica do mês de junho de 2023 - Profa. Dra. Patrycja Rozbicka (Aston University)
O Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Política da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (PPGPol/UFSCar), apresenta o Ciclo Maquiavéllicas do mês de junho com a Profa. Dra. Patrycja Rozbicka (Aston University) que ministrará a palestra intitulada "Beyond the Usual Suspects: Interest Groups in the Global South", no dia 14 de junho de 2023, às 10h.
Understanding interest group systems is crucial to understanding the functioning of advanced democracies, but can it also be a tool for understanding developing and nascent democracies? While study of interest groups in Global North democracies have gone through a blooming stage since late 1990s, exploration of organized interest activities in the Global South remains a niche topic and proves illusive for comparative analysis. Nevertheless, there is an academic interest in the topic and comparative reflections are encouraged. In the presentation Dr Rozbicka discusses the themes and findings from a series of case studies from the Global South: Brazil, India, Mexico, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Focus is on methodological diversity, nuanced lobbying strategies, and similarities between North and South. The main objective is to reflect upon potential future research avenues.
Biografia da palestrante:
Dr Rozbicka is an Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at Aston University, Birmingham, UK. She previously worked at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, University of Victoria, BC, Canada, and finished her PhD at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Dr Rozbicka's research agenda focuses on two topics. The main area of research circulates around participation of interest groups in the European and national policy-making and transposition processes. The second strand of research focuses on the regulation of the live music industry in the UK and Europe.